Gender Statistics. A Strategic Alliance for Latin America and the Caribbean

Gender Statistics. A strategic alliance for Latin America and the Caribbean

This brochure provides a detailed account of the strategic alliance between INEGI, INMUJERES Mexico, UN Women and ECLAC. The alliance aims to boost the production of gender sensitive statistics, exchange of experiences as well as institutionalization of dialogue mechanisms between the national statistics offices and the mechanisms for the advancement/empowerment of women in the region. The publication highlights the international meetings on gender statistics and the international meetings on time use and unpaid work held annually in Mexico. In addition, it underlines the creation in 2007 of the Statistical Conference of the Americas (ECLAC) Working Group on Gender Statistics, which has been presided by Mexico since its inception, as one of the most important advances in the agenda of the production and dissemination of statistical information. It also presents the main achievements in Latin America as well as the challenges the region faces in integrating a gender perspective in national statistics and applying it in public policies.


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UN Women office publishing: Mexico Country Office
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